The Mirror: Over 10,000 hospitalised with waterborne diseases as river sewage crisis deepens

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“More than 10,000 people have been hospitalised with waterborne diseases since the last election as the Tories' "sickening" record came under attack.

Alarming figures show the number of people diagnosed in hospital with diseases that can be transmitted through water - such as typhoid, salmonella and E.coli - has almost doubled in the past two years. Some 603 cases of typhoid fever were recorded last year, which is more than double the year before.

Both Labour and the Lib Dems last night vowed tougher action as they accused ministers of catastrophic failure. Labour has vowed to put failing water companies into “special measures” - with bosses at risk of criminal charges and bonuses being blocked.

Environment Agency data found last year was the worst for sewage spills since records began. Sewage was discharged for a record 4million hours across England in 2023.


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