Vision & Values
To save Windermere from ecological destruction, ensuring future generations are able to swim free from fear and allowing wildlife to thrive in a healthy ecosystem.
We will set the standard for the national treatment of our waterways, whilst showcasing the benefits of ecotourism by pivoting from an unsustainable model to one which puts the environment first and protects our lake now and forever.
We are on a mission to return Windermere to its ecologically natural state, through the complete removal of ALL treated & untreated sewage discharges into the Windermere catchment.
We will position Windermere as the poster-child for the national crisis resulting from the mismanagement of our water utilities.
We must drive systemic change and we need to do it quickly
We need to act without distractions, debate & delay
We must uncover the truth and hold those responsible to account
We must come together to move beyond the politics that have so far held us back
We are passionately dedicated to Saving Windermere