NW Mail: Lakes Brew Co brews beer for Save Windermere campaign

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“A special beer has been created to raise money for a campaign protesting sewage pollution in Windermere.

Lakes Brew Co has brewed an 'easy drinking, perfectly hopped light beer' and pledged to donate 10p from every can of Leave No Trace to the Save Windermere campaign.

A spokesperson from the business said they feel 'deeply protective of the beautiful area that surrounds us.'

The campaign, which aims to end all sewage discharges into Windermere, has had national attention, including from celebrities such as Paul Whitehouse, Steve Coogan, Lee Mack and Feargal Sharkey.“


The Guardian: Protect Windermere from sewage, campaigners urge UK party leaders


The Westmorland Gazette: Keir Starmer expresses fury at raw sewage in Windermere