The Westmorland Gazette: Keir Starmer expresses fury at raw sewage in Windermere

Read the full opinion piece from Keir Starmer

“When I was a child, my parents brought me to the Lake District every year. It was my mum’s favourite place in the world - the windswept hills and rugged beauty captured her heart.


So I was furious and sickened to hear that millions of litres of raw sewage have been illegally pumped into Lake Windermere.

This is happening across the country. The sewage flooding into our waters is a national scandal. It stops people from enjoying our beautiful coasts. It’s killing our wildlife. And it’s a public health hazard.

But there’s a deeper story here too – a story of failure under a Tory government that has turned a blind eye, crossed its arms, and shrugged its shoulders at every turn.

And to add insult to injury, whilst water bosses are pocketing millions in bonuses, your water bills are going up.

With a Labour government, water companies won’t get away with it anymore. We’ll make them clean up their act.

The polluter – not the public – will pay.”


NW Mail: Lakes Brew Co brews beer for Save Windermere campaign


United Utilities illegally dumps over 10 million litres of untreated sewage into Windermere in one night